Saturday, January 3, 2015

Adventures with Jesus.

Dear Friends and Family,

     I hope this letter finds you well. In Philippians 1:3-6 Paul states, “I thank my God every time I remember you. I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” This is my prayer for you, and I ask that you will make this your prayer for me.
  In the Summer of 2013 I was blessed with the opportunity to go on my first international mission trip. God led me to Reynosa, Mexico, a cartel-driven city on the Mexico/Texas border. Among these drug-rattled streets, I found a home away from home. I met wonderful people, saw the obvious work of God, and found myself spiritually renewed from my experiences. Since then, I have returned to Mexico twice and after my last trip began to feel the Holy Spirit move me to go farther. Through God’s guidance, I learned about England.
Initially, I was like many others who believe most people in England attend church. Shockingly, that is nowhere near the case. This summer, I will be going to Stourbridge, England, where only one percent of the people in that area attend church. One percent. That statistic made me completely reevaluate my thoughts on the country. Jesus is needed all over the world. He is needed in the United States. He is needed in Mexico. And He is needed in England. 
I have received a strong call from God to work with a church in Stourbridge, and that’s why I am writing you this letter. 
First, I would like to ask you for support through prayer. I ask that you pray for the following things: 1.) Pray that God will spiritually prepare me for this journey. 2.) Pray that God will not only soften the hearts of the people I encounter, but also that He will open their ears to hear, their eyes to see, and their hearts to receive the Good News. 3.) I also ask that you pray for God to provide financially (I must raise $7500). 4.) Pray that God will provide safety for me while I travel, and finally 5.) Pray that God will use me to minister to the unreached people in England. 
Second, I would like to ask you for financial support. From May 25 – July 29, I will be immersed in Stourbridge while partnering with other mission leaders to share the Gospel. If you feel the Lord’s leading, you may send money to help support this mission trip. Your support will not only help me in my endeavor to share the Gospel, but also puts you in an active role in sharing the Gospel through financial support. If you feel God calling you to give financially, please email me at
I would appreciate your prayers and support as God prepares me for this mission trip and then as I travel in May. I plan to write you again, when I return, to share with you about God’s movement. Thank you for your love and support! If you have any questions for me about this opportunity, feel free to contact me!
May the Love of Christ compel you!
                                                                         Nicole Singleton