Thursday, May 28, 2015


I’m not going to lie to you; I need prayer. I’m embarking on something I’ve never experienced before. One: I’ve never been overseas. Two: I’ve never been away from home for such an extended period of time. Three: I’ve never had to prepare my mind and my heart to be fully immersed in another culture.
So, yes, prayer for me please.

However, what’s more important is that I need you to pray for those who I will encounter. That’s what’s most important. If you think people in our little county are far from Jesus, it is nowhere near as dark and desolate as the place I will be going. These people didn’t grow up hearing the stories we know nor do they have the correct view of Jesus. They believe they have to be a “good person” in order for Jesus to love them and have a relationship with them.  As believers know, that’s not how it works. I’m a sinner, and I sin badly. The only reason I’m worth anything is Jesus’s love for me.

Let me express that to those I will meet. I’ve especially been praying that I find one person to really pour in to, and that by doing so, I will impact their life. I feel that if I’m able to make a difference in the life of one person for the Kingdom, I’ll be happy. That doesn’t mean that person will accept Jesus, but only that they will see Jesus represented in me and the two other young women missionaries who are going to the same place I am.

Alright, time to fly to Miami, and then from Miami…to England.

I love you all.

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