Friday, May 29, 2015

Engage the lost.

How many people do you know right now who are hurting? How many struggles have you heard just today? Or this week? People in north central Alabama are crying for Jesus. Do we even realize it? We get more caught up in the gossip or the story of the minute instead of seeing these people for who they truly are: loved children of God.

Sure, they may be crazy or attention-seekers, or druggies, or whatever else, but they still are sons and daughters of the mighty King.

Why do we pick and choose who Jesus loves? Why do we think we can decide who deserves Jesus?
Betty Sue that teaches Sunday school, sings in the choir, and holds bake sales every month for homeless children is in the same boat as the prisoner convicted of first-degree murder. God loves them equally, and He can save them both.

So what do we do. We should reflect our own lives.

What do you think you are doing in your own community that shows the love of Christ? How are you impacting the Kingdom. Because I hear a lot of complaining about how this country is falling away from Jesus but I don’t see a lot of action from the people who say it. They are sitting on their couches in their homes talking about it with other Christians instead of getting up, going outside, and building relationships in order to alter lives in the name of Jesus.

If that is you, look around. What can you do? Because you are right, people are falling away from Jesus. I’m glad you recognize it. So what are you going to do about it? Post a rant on Facebook? Cry about it to your coworker? Or are you going to actually engage with the lost?

Think about it.

I want to know what people are doing in their communities.  Email me, if you would like,

In my next blog post, I’ll let you know what I want to do in my own community and how this trip to England is preparing me for just that. Praise God.

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