Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's not weird, it's just different. Seven different (weird) things English people do.

England is amazing. I love the people. The scenery. The accents. The tea. The transportation. Even the way they drive on the other side of the road. I really can't tell you something here I don't like. However....a few things do exist that just made me go...really? Let me share those with you.

1.) They don't rinse their dishes.

Ok, maybe not that big of a deal, but something within me doesn't allow me NOT to rinse them. Like, won't it taste like soap when it dries and leave those little soap marks on it? Apparently not, but it weirds me out. I've tried to do as the English do, but I'm too American. I still rinse them.

2.) You have to pull a cord to turn on the bathroom light (and the shower).

This has good reasoning behind it actually. I've just never thought about it. The English don't put electric outlets in their bathrooms (because of lots of water, I presume). So, go ahead and forget straightening your hair in front of the bathroom mirror. When you want to go to the toilet you pull the cord and the light comes on. Also, there's a cord to pull for the water to come out of the showerhead. I'm not sure why this one exists, but it took me about thirty minutes to figure out how the shower came on.

3.) You have to flip a switch to turn on the electric outlets.

If you forget to turn on the electric outlet at night, your phone won't be charged in the morning. Once again, apparently these people are reallllly scared of electric shock. I mean, it's understandable, to be honest. Plugging it in isn't enough. You must flip the switch, Americans.

4.) Eggs don't go in the refrigerator.

A reason exists behind this as well. British eggs are free-range eggs...I don't know what that means, but I'm guessing it means they can be left in the cupboard because that's where everyone else puts theirs. 

5.) They have a cold faucet and a hot faucet.

Good luck getting the right temperature when you are washing your hands. You either get scolding hot or freezing cold. There is no in between. I don't even want to guess why it's like this. I'm sure there's a history behind it, just like everything in England has a history behind it. 

6.) That sheet between you and the comforter doesn't exist.

If you are really attached to that one sheet that goes between your sleeping body and the comforter, don't come to England. They aren't a thing here. 

7.) The washing machine (dryer) is in the kitchen.

Once again, this might have history or purpose to it, but you do your laundry in the kitchen. What's weirder is this little machine doubles as a dryer. We haven't actually tried to dry our clothes in this, but I might by the end of my stay just to see how it works. 

Alright, fellow Americans. This is the first seven that popped into my little brain. I'm sure more will come up, but for now, enjoy that little taste of the culture of England. 

Love y'all!

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