Friday, June 12, 2015

The Daily Grind.

I have a vision, and a lot of people who I have told about this think it's a lovely idea, however, I'm not positive they (or me for that matter) believe it will actually work.

Here's the plan:

- Create a coffee-shop environment in Oneonta.

Now, this isn't going to happen overnight....or possibly in the next decade, to be honest. I'm also not opposed to someone else making this happen if they get to it before I do. All I'm saying is that this is missing in Blount County. Where do we go for a place to simply chill out in Oneonta? Miller's Soda Shoppe comes closest, shout out to you Chuck, thanks for the video, and I miss you too. But, that's clearly a restaurant (a great one, by the way) not really a sit-and-talk-for-hours-about-life environment, which is important, in my opinion.

We need somewhere to just meet. To sit down with a long-lost friend or have Bible study or enjoy entertainment from local musicians because they exist and they are awesome and need to be heard.
I realize I'm 25 years old and getting ahead of myself, but I've had this thought for a while and the people that are closest to me are getting tired of hearing about me complaining about not having a coffee shop anywhere close. But then I get to England, and I see how something like sitting across from another person with only two cups of coffee separating you can really open up conversation and create long-lasting and deep relationships. Coffee shops are the perfect environment to further the Kingdom. They really are. If you want more info on how, just email me.

I can't do this now. I know that. What I can do is sort of create that environment maybe once a week? Part of me is hopeful that someone will take pity on me and say, "Of course, Nicole, you can use my building every Friday or Saturday night to put some chairs out, serve coffee, and have someone playing an acoustic guitar in the background while people mill about and talk about each other's lives", but at the same time I know that plan probably won't work.

First off, will someone tell me whether or not they

1.) Know of someone who is already planning this because it would be great to know that...?
2.) Have you felt that same way as I do and feel like this is missing in Blount County?
3.) Do you think any of the ideas I have posted would work and give me reason why and why not?

Please please please give me opinions. I desperately want them.

Maybe this is a far-fetched idea. I would love to hear anything on the matter, so please email me and tell me how crazy I am...

Hugs from England.

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